B2B Marketing News: Collaboration’s Rising Importance In Marketing, LinkedIn’s New Remote Work Data, & TikTok Expands Social Publishing Tools

LinkedIn Shares New Insights into the Rise of Remote Job Postings [Infographic] Microsoft-owned LinkedIn has released new remote job posting data showing that the technology, information, and media industry tops the list of sectors with the largest share of remote jobs, emcompassing a 41.2 percent share of all remote jobs, according to recently-released workforce report findings. Social Media Today Report: Diverse Ads Can Contribute More To Market Share Growth For Brands Advertisements that featured a diverse array of people combined with memorable storytelling elements performed better than the average ad in the U.S., and helped brands achieve stronger bottom line results — two of several findings of interest to B2B marketers contained in newly-released diversity in advertising survey data

B2B Marketing News: Collaboration’s Rising Importance In Marketing, LinkedIn’s New Remote Work Data, & TikTok Expands Social Publishing Tools

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